lecture: early bird versus late owl: an empirical investigation of individual shopping time habit and its effects-九游会网址

 lecture: early bird versus late owl: an empirical investigation of individual shopping time habit and its effects-九游会网址
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lecture: early bird versus late owl: an empirical investigation of individual shopping time habit and its effects

hits: date:2022-06-22 15:54

time: june 28, 2022,9:00am

tencent meeting id.112-789-261

about lecturelittle research has focused on online shopping habit, particularly concerning time, missing opportunity to potentially improve important outcomes by the simple innovative use of time. based on a unique dataset that includes reviews as well as pertinent purchases at the individual level from a large online retailer, this study investigates whether consumers exhibit time habits for online shopping and whether following such time habits affects their satisfaction and re-visit behavior. we employ activity-based metrics to assess individual shopping time habit, and results show that consumers form shopping time habits, and they obtain higher consumer satisfaction and exhibit greater re-visit behavior when the timing of shopping follows their shopping time habits.

about the lecturerziqiong zhang is a professor at the school of economics and management, harbin institute of technology. her research interests cover the e-commerceconsumer behavior. her research has been published in journals such as mis quarterlytourism managementinternational journal of hospitality management.
