


来源:   作者:  日期:2018年05月07日  点击数:
姓   名 蔡小强                       系别                                            
职务/职称 教授                       研究方向                      
学历                       政治面貌                      
办公电话                       电子邮箱                      

蔡小强,男,博士,香港中文大学系统工程及工程管理学系教授。1988年获清华大学系统工程博士学位。曾任教于西澳大利亚大学。担任iie transactions on scheduling and logistics; journal of scheduling; fuzzy optimization and decision making; dynamics of continuous, discrete and impulsive systems (series b); journal of systems science and complexity 等学术刊物编委。研究和教学领域:最优调度,网络优化,物流及运输系统管理。曾获ieee系统、人与控制论学会杰出贡献奖,霍英东青年教师奖。


1. 香港中文大学系统工程及工程管理学系 教授, 2000年至今

2. 香港中文大学系统工程及工程管理学系 系主任, 1996年--2003年

3. 香港中文大学系统工程及工程管理学系 高级讲师,1996年至2000年

4. 西澳大利亚大学数学系 讲师,1991年至1993年

5. 英国贝尔法斯特女皇大学电机及电子工程系 博士后,1990年至1991年

6. 英国剑桥大学管理研究实验室 博士后,1989年至1990年

7. 清华大学国家863计划cims工程研究中心 讲师,1988年至1989年


(1) scheduling with negotiable third-party machines, rgc专用研究基金, 2002-2005.

(2) joint r&d project with tsinghua university on chinese enterprise internet operations. drs richard charles and esther yewpick lee 基金, 2002-2005

(3) internet-based supply chain management systems, ugc信息技术杰出领域基金(internet applications track), 2001-2004,

(4) stochastic scheduling with preemptive-repeat machine breakdowns, rgc专用研究基金, 2001-2004,

(5) deterministic and stochastic scheduling models for team-work jobs, rgc专用研究基金, 2000-2003,

(6) earliness/tardiness scheduling subject to known due dates and an unknown deadline, rgc专用研究基金, 2000-2003.

(7) a class of new time-varying network models with controllable flow departure/arrival times, rgc专用研究基金, 1998-2001

(8) strategic research in risk and optimization, cuhk策略研究计划1998,

(9) new scheduling models with applications to berth allocation, rgc专用研究基金, 1997-2000.

(10) an integrated system for manpower planning and scheduling of large scale service organizations, 香港工业研究基金 (itdc), 1994-1997.


[1] x. cai and s. zhou,"stochastic scheduling on parallel machines subject to random breakdowns to minimize expected costs for earliness and tardy jobs''. operations research. vol.47, pp. 422-437, may-june 1999.

[2] x. cai, c.-y. lee, and t.l. wong, "multi-processor task scheduling to minimize the maximum tardiness and the total completion time", ieee transactions on robotics and automation. vol. 16, pp. 824-830. december 2000.

[3] g.c. zhang, x. cai, and c.k. wong, "on-line algorithms for minimizing makespan on batch processing machines with dynamic job arrivals'', accepted for publication in naval research logistics.

[4] x. cai, d. sha and c.k. wong, "time-varying minimum cost flow problems'', accepted for publication in european journal of operational research.

[5] x. cai and s. zhou, "asymmetric earliness and tardiness scheduling with exponential processing times on an unreliable machine'', accepted for publication in annals of operations research.

[6] c.t. ng, x. cai and t.c.e. cheng,"probabilistic analysis of an asymptotically optimal solution for the completion time variance problem''. naval research logistics. vol. 46, pp. 373-398, june 1999.

[7] c.l. li, x. cai and c.y. lee,"machine scheduling with multiple-job-on-one-processor pattern''. iie transactions on scheduling and logistics. vol. 30, pp. 433-446, may 1998

[8] x. cai and t.c.e. cheng, "multi-machine scheduling with variance minimization''. discrete applied mathematics, vol. 84, pp. 55-70. june 1998.

[9] x. cai, c.j. goh and a.i. mees, "greedy heuristics for rapid scheduling of trains on a single track''. iie transactions on scheduling and logistics, vol. 30, pp. 481-494. may 1998

[10] x. cai, c.y. lee and c.l. li, "minimizing total flow time in two-processor task systems with prespecified processor allocations''. naval research logistics, vol. 45, pp. 231-242. march 1998.

[11] x. cai and s. zhou, "scheduling stochastic jobs with asymmetric earliness and tardiness penalties''. naval research logistics, vol. 44, pp. 531-557. sep. 1997.

[12] x. cai, t. kloks and c.k. wong, "time-varying shortest path problems with constraints''. networks, vol. 29, pp. 141-149. 1997.

[13] x. cai and s. zhou, "sequencing jobs with random processing times to minimize weighted completion time variance''. annals of operations research, vol. 70, pp. 241-260. april 1997.

[14] x. cai and f.s. tu, "scheduling jobs with random processing times on a single machine subject to stochastic breakdowns to minimize early-tardy penalties''. naval research logistics, vol. 43, pp. 1127-1146. december 1996.

[15] x. cai, "minimization of agreeably weighted variance in single machine systems''. european journal of operational research, vol. 85, pp. 576-592. 1995.
