


来源:副教授,硕导,副系主任   作者:  日期:2020年12月01日  点击数:

姓   名 郭姝辛                       系别 金融与财务学系                                            
职务/职称 副教授,硕导/副系主任                       研究方向 金融衍生产品定价、资产定价                      
学历 金融衍生产品定价、资产定价                       政治面貌 中共党员                      
电子邮箱 shuxinguo@home.swjtu.edu.cn                      








在ssci金融类核心学术期刊journal of futures markets和重要学术期刊north american journal of economics and finance等上发表论文多篇。博士学习期间,获得博士研究生国家奖学金、四川省优秀毕业生荣誉称号(2016届博士毕业生唯一获得者)、四川省金融学会第十六次金融科研优秀成果三等奖、首届金融学科曾康霖奖学金、首届殷孟波金融教育基金优秀学生奖学金(金融学院博士生唯一获得者)、唐立新光华菁英奖学金(2013级博士生唯一获得者)、铸信奖学金一等奖(2013级博士生唯一获得者)等十余项。


[1] liu, qiang and shuxin guo, 2013. canonical distribution, implied binomial tree, and the pricing of american options [j]. journal of futures markets. 33(2): 183-198.

[2] liu, qiang and shuxin guo, 2014. variance-constrained canonical least-squares monte carlo: an accurate method for pricing american options [j]. north american journal of economics and finance. 28: 77-89.

[3] liu, qiang, shuxin guo and gaoxiu qiao, 2015. vix forecasting and variance risk premium: a new garch approach [j]. north american journal of economics and finance. 34: 314-322.

[4] liu, qiang and shuxin guo, 2011. approximating the embedded m out of n day soft-call option of a convertible bond: an auxiliary reversed binomial tree method [j]. international review of applied financial issues and economics. 3(3): 658-672.

[5] guo, shuxin and qiang liu. a recombining binomial tree for pricing options on stocks with known dollar dividends. working paper.

[6] guo, shuxin and qiang liu. simulated conditional range probabilities: an excellent approximation for the m out of n day provision. working paper.

[7] guo, shuxin, qiang liu and gaoxiu qiao. vix futures pricing: an empirical comparison of garch and the heston model. working paper.

[8] liu, qiang , shuxin guo, and fangyi he. approximating the optimal exercise boundary for american options via least-squares monte carlo, working paper.

[9] guo, shuxin, lijuan wang and qiang liu. the chinese stock market and industries. working paper.

[10] guo, shuxin and qiang liu. the unconventional china stock and 50 etf options of the shanghai stock exchange. working paper.

[11] guo, shuxin and qiang liu. csi 300 index and its futures. working paper.


郭姝辛. 期权与期货的几种定价新方法研究[d]. 成都:西南财经大学,2016:1-169.


[1] 《含股息的节点重合二叉树期权定价新方法研究》,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,起止时间:2015.5~2017.4,项目编号:jbk1507112,主持,已结项(提前结项)。

[2] 《复杂衍生产品的蒙特卡洛定价方法研究》,国家自然科学基金面上项目,起止时间:2013.1~2016.12,项目编号:7127117,主研,在研。

[3] 《小微金融企业风险管理研究——基于行为金融学视角》,省部级学科平台开放课题,起止时间:2015.6~2017.6,项目编号:jr201513,主研,在研。

[4] 《美式期权的蒙特卡洛定价研究》,西南财经大学“211三期”重点课题,起止时间:2009.1~2012.12,主研,已结题

[5] 《四川省酒类产品衍生工具及指数的设计项目》,上市公司横向课题,起止时间:2010.4~2010.10,主研,已结项。

